Limbajul in email marketing

De curand unul din blacklist-uri a ridicat tonul la un sender care pretindea ca acel blacklist i-a blocat emailurile trimise catre o lista double opt-in. Ceea ce i-a deranjat se pare cel mai tare pe reprezentantii blacklist-ului, nu a fost faptul ca a facut sau nu spam ci faptul ca a utilizat sintagma double opt-in in loc de confirmed opt-in.

Se pare ca in prezent este o oarecare discrepanta intre ceea ce marketerii inteleg prin confirmed-opt in vs double opt-in si ceea ce inteleg in general reprezentantii blacklist-urilor. Daca cei dintai vad lucrurile in felul urmator:

Confirmed Opt-In
[…]confirmed opt-in lists confirm, by email, your subscription as soon as your name has been added to the list. They allow you to unsubscribe immediately by replying or clicking on a link within the email. […]

Double Opt-In
A double opt-in list means not only must the user take an action to add himself to a list, but he then receives a confirmation of his subscription. He must reply to be added to the list. […]

Ceilalti vad lucrurile intr-o cu totul si cu totul alta lumina, adica:


Term often used by spammers to mean the recipient “has not opted-out, therefore they are opt-in”. Usually means any address the spammer can get hold of.


Term often used by spammers to imply the recipient has “opted-in twice”. The first time, says the spammer, was when the address was obtained and “opted-in” by the spammer without the recipient’s consent and the second time was when the recipient failed to ‘opt-out’ after receiving the first spam.

Se pare insa ca nu exista o cale de reconciliere intre cele doua parti, cea mai buna solutie, cel putin pentru moment este aceea de a avea grije ce vorbesti si cu cine vorbesti. Este recomandat pentru a nu crea confuzii si mai mari in email marketing sa nu mai inventam noi termeni.

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