Mai multe surse au confirmat astazi faptul ca reprezentantii Goodmail au trimis clientilor sai din UK un mesaj prin care ii anunta ca in intr-o saptamana serviciile Goodmail vor fi dezactivate.
Mesajul celor de la Goodmail suna in felul urmator:
It is with great regret that I must inform you that Goodmail will cease operations on Tuesday 2/8/11. We will continue to provide CertifiedEmail tokens until Monday 2/8/11 5pm PST at which time our Token Generators will be taken offline. Tokens provided between 2/1/11 and 2/7/11 will be free of charge. All tokens provided during the month of January will be charged at regular rates.
We are working with our ISP partners to accommodate a transition period for your IP addresses so as to decrease the effort required for warm up. In the meantime, please begin to transition your traffic off of CertifiedEmail.
Please contact customercare if you have any questions.
Daniel Dreymann
CEO, Goodmail Systems
Goodmail a fost de multe ori tinta criticilor multor jurnalisti din domeniu, care mentionau incapacitatea companiei de a ajunge la break even. In plus problemele celor de la Goodmail au fost accentuate in toamna anului trecut cand cei de la Yahoo! au rupt parteneriatul cu ei, reducand major beneficiile oferite pana atunci de Goodmail.
Spercialistii din industrie insa nu cred ca aceste probleme financiare vor insemna “moartea” patentelor dezvoltate de inovatorii de la Goodmail…ci ca cel mai probabil mai multi investitori vor fi interesati in dezvoltarea viitoare a tehnologiilor existente.